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Can't wait to read it!
I read your book while I was on a business trip this week. Excellent read. You should have a look at the following blog: http://www.gapingvoid.com/ the post re: Leo Burnett from Feb. 6 - I think it was lifted verbatim from your book, or maybe I'm losing it - I swear I read exactly the same story in your book.
Dear Anonymous,
I looked on the gapingvoid site (February 6th - Leo Burnett) and didn't see anything that looked like it came from my book. That story was about Microsoft, no?
Another useless book from the chairman of the man haters club.
I think I'll pass and read the back of a detergent bottle instead.
As a woman in business I am always looking for inspiration and insight from other woman who have made it. Amazon listed your book in my sign in screen and instead of ignoring it I read up about it and read some of the reviews, then ordered the book. I couldn't wait to read it (this never really happens to me)!! I got it on Monday after work and finished it that same night!! Very inspirational and I found that your advice was excellent and right on point. This will definitely help me in my career and the way I work with Men and Women as I move up the ladder... I'll have to admit that I was a bit of a shovenist myself in the sense that I had little respect for men and no patience for A-holes. Now I see that even the A-holes deserve to be understood and can be worked with, with a little S&M of course ;-)
Thanks for the book. I am a woman with high aspirations but have been pushed down as I work in a division that is THE Boy's Club. I did a major mistake - attacked head on my superior and the 'spiritual' leader of the Boy's Club because I was convinced that integrity, hard work and professionalism must win. Although I will not try to use S&M, I will be looking for a new job. I was able to relate to too many situations from your book for my liking. As you say, it is not worth fighting if you do not have an ounce of respect towards the 'bad boy' (who is also my boss). For my next job, I will be much better prepared and armed with tacticts from Day 1.
Nina, I read your book ( still have 4 -5 pages to go). At the beginning i thought, this is not the ethics that i would like to work with but recently i figured out if i want to make it, then i have to learn to do what you have in your book.
My boss is a very nice person and we like eachother a lot BUT, i am not sure why we fight so much. Many times i think he can't face the fact that i am very good weather with himself or with others. So i fight to prove my point and he gets it at the very very end. The other 50% of the time is good but when we are in the fighting mood, it is ugly.
Any suggestions or insight that can help?
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``Im Detective Roberts, Fulton County Sheriffs Office, and we ran theplates on your car. She was the only friend he had and thougheveryone called him her pity friend she didnt protesttoo loudly about the label.
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